Narcissist Abuse Recovery, Support, and Empowerment.

Abuse is Never Ok. It's time to take back your life!

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What I do

I am dedicated to helping others who are feeling trapped and hopeless who are either still in, just getting out of or who have already escaped abusive relationships and don’t know how to get there life back on track.  It’s normal to feel lost, not trust yourself or anyone else, and to question your own sanity.  You have been through something traumatic and life altering.  I understand you and what you have been through.  I believe you.  You are not alone. 

I Coach.

I work with clients using a personalized approach one on one in my office located in Orlando, as well as online for clients located around the world, to escape, recover, support and empower your journey out of abusive and toxic relationships.

I Speak.

I speak in small groups as well as large audiences with powerful teachings in seminars and intensive weekend retreats to educate and empower the overwhelming number of affected people who suffer in and from toxic and abusive relationships.

I Write.

Through my own experiences and lessons I have learned going through my journey out of an extremely abusive relationship, I have been working on my own series of books.  I hope to have them available soon for publication.

Is this for you?

If you are on my website, then yes, there is a reason you are here.  Take the first step and call me.

My Courses

Check back to see what courses are scheduled.


“I never thought it was possible to be happy again.  When I stepped into her office that first day, I really didn’t have much hope that anything would really change.  I believed I was broken beyond repair.  There wasn’t a single person in my life that understood me or what I was going though.  The more I tried to talk to friends and family, the more isolated I felt.  No one lived the nightmare of my life.  No one believed me when I would try to tell them how bad it was.  “Just get over.”  “Move on.”  It wasn’t that easy.  I was trapped in my head.  The programming was controlling me. My first session with Cynthia a weight was lifted from my soul.  For the first time I was heard and understood.  That was the beginning of an incredible journey back to finding myself again and creating a future I never thought possible.  Her techique and tools are better than any therapist I have ever been to.  She focused on me and what I needed.  Teaching me everything I needed to know, giving me tools to use for the rest of my life, and helping me take back my own power.  I am now a strong, independent woman, taking care of myself.  I have a good job and healthy relationships.  I have found peace and happiness.  I can never thank her enough for giving me back my life.


My story

We dated for three years.  It was a true fairy tale, a Cinderella story.  He was my knight in shining armor.   I never knew anyone could love me like he did.  He was so easy to talk to.  He listened.  He remembered.  He showered me with attention and love.  He brought me gifts… hand-picked flowers, candies, jewelry.  He wrote me poems and letters.  Everyday was something.  There wasn’t a minute in the day I wasn’t sure he was thinking about me.  He would tell me how he never had a relationship with anyone as good as ours.  We were soulmates. I understood him like no one else could.  We would have deep conversations.  I’d tell him all my hopes and dreams as well as my fears.  I told him everything that was deep in my soul.    He consumed my thoughts, my heart, and my time.

How could my life get any better than this?  This perfect moment.  This perfect man.  This future so bright and promising.

I didn’t know at the time that this dream would become a nightmare.

Are you ready to start this journey and take back your life?